We all know that Catullus is bitter, but tell us something else about him!
Don't forget to use the Latin to prove your point.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Catullus Journal #3
Due Monday 5/5/08
Remember to do Journal #2 before you do this one...
Suffenus iste, Vare, quem probe nostri,
homo est venustus et dicax et urbanus,
idemque longe plurimos facit versus.
Puto esse ego illi milia aut decem aut plura
perscripta, nec sic ut fit in palimpsesto
relata: cartae regiae, novi libri,
novi umbilici, lora rubra, membranae,
derecta plumbo et pumice omnia aequata.
Haec cum legas tu, bellus ille et urbanus
suffenus unus caprimulgus aut fossor
rursus videtur: tantum abhorret ac mutat.
Hoc quid putemus esse? Qui modo scurra
aut si quid hac re scitius videbatur,
idem infaceto est infacetior rure,
simul poemata attigit, neque idem umquam
aeque est beatus ac poema cum scribit:
tam gaudet in se tamque se ipse miratur.
Nimirum idem omnes fallimur, neque est quisquam
quem non in aliqua re videre Suffenum
possis. Suus cuique attributus est error;
sed non videmus manticae quod tergo est.
In poem 22, Catullus describes both the poet Suffenus and the poetry that Suffenus writes. In a short essay, contrast the effect that Suffenus' poems have on his audience with the effect they have on Suffenus himself. Refer specifically to the Latin throughout the passage to support the points you make in your essay.
Remember to do Journal #2 before you do this one...
Suffenus iste, Vare, quem probe nostri,
homo est venustus et dicax et urbanus,
idemque longe plurimos facit versus.
Puto esse ego illi milia aut decem aut plura
perscripta, nec sic ut fit in palimpsesto
relata: cartae regiae, novi libri,
novi umbilici, lora rubra, membranae,
derecta plumbo et pumice omnia aequata.
Haec cum legas tu, bellus ille et urbanus
suffenus unus caprimulgus aut fossor
rursus videtur: tantum abhorret ac mutat.
Hoc quid putemus esse? Qui modo scurra
aut si quid hac re scitius videbatur,
idem infaceto est infacetior rure,
simul poemata attigit, neque idem umquam
aeque est beatus ac poema cum scribit:
tam gaudet in se tamque se ipse miratur.
Nimirum idem omnes fallimur, neque est quisquam
quem non in aliqua re videre Suffenum
possis. Suus cuique attributus est error;
sed non videmus manticae quod tergo est.
In poem 22, Catullus describes both the poet Suffenus and the poetry that Suffenus writes. In a short essay, contrast the effect that Suffenus' poems have on his audience with the effect they have on Suffenus himself. Refer specifically to the Latin throughout the passage to support the points you make in your essay.
Catullus Journal #2
Due Monday 4/28/08
Find any character mentioned in more than one poem and comment on Catullus' attitude toward them citing Latin to bolster your opinion.
Have fun!
Find any character mentioned in more than one poem and comment on Catullus' attitude toward them citing Latin to bolster your opinion.
Have fun!
Quiz - Catullus 64, Lines 103-111
This reading still BAFFLES me lol...
Oh well, I'll be asking a lot of questions before our quiz. Don't hate me for trying :P.
And the translation is from my little paper, and somewhat what we did in class...
Lastly, sorry this is posted so late...I tried out this little thing called sleep last night! It was incredible.
Oh well, I'll be asking a lot of questions before our quiz. Don't hate me for trying :P.
And the translation is from my little paper, and somewhat what we did in class...
Lastly, sorry this is posted so late...I tried out this little thing called sleep last night! It was incredible.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Quiz - Catullus 64, Lines 50-59
Friday, April 11, 2008
Catullus Journal #1
Use examples from Latin in poems 11 and 30, to show how Catullus treats relationships between men and women similarly and differently.
and almost happy passover... and -- well, you know what.
and almost happy passover... and -- well, you know what.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Cicero Journals: 5 and 6
The first essay question is from part 18:
In defending Archias, Cicero also extolled the study of liberal arts. In a well-written essay, show how in this section Cicero builds his argument from the specific to the general in his defense of poetry and literature. What rhetorical devices do you think helped his presentation. Why do you think he ended this section in his way?
The second essay question is from parts 10 and 25:
In sections 10 and 25, Cicero describes the granting of citizenship to recipients seemingly "less worthy" than Archias. Contrast these situations with that of Archias. Why does he seem "more worthy" of citizenship than the others? What tone is prevalent in both examples and why?
Soooooo have fun with these!...I guess.
In defending Archias, Cicero also extolled the study of liberal arts. In a well-written essay, show how in this section Cicero builds his argument from the specific to the general in his defense of poetry and literature. What rhetorical devices do you think helped his presentation. Why do you think he ended this section in his way?
The second essay question is from parts 10 and 25:
In sections 10 and 25, Cicero describes the granting of citizenship to recipients seemingly "less worthy" than Archias. Contrast these situations with that of Archias. Why does he seem "more worthy" of citizenship than the others? What tone is prevalent in both examples and why?
Soooooo have fun with these!...I guess.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Usual Fridayness: Quiz Stuff Again
Didn't think I'd flake, did you, people? :) Even though it's not fun being this detailed when you have tests in all 3 classes on the same day. Anyways...
This reading was actually part of the free response for last year's AP test (so it won't be on this years!). The translation I have on the little thing is partially the AP translation and partially what we did in class (and it's all pretty much the same as Michelle's). So yeah.
This reading was actually part of the free response for last year's AP test (so it won't be on this years!). The translation I have on the little thing is partially the AP translation and partially what we did in class (and it's all pretty much the same as Michelle's). So yeah.

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Quiz: Friday 3/7/08
For some reason I didn't write down which section we decided on for the quiz, but I'm pretty certain it was section 20. If for some reason it's not, feel free comment on this post and correct me.
Section 20 (lines 252-260)
"Nor is there anyone so opposed to the Muses who would not allow the public announcement of his labors to be entrusted to poetry easily. They say that Themistocles, the the greatest man of Athens, when he was asked which entertainment form he took the greatest delight in hearing: his voice from whom his virtue is declared the best. That Marius, likewise, he cherished L. Plotinus, by whose talent he used to think those things which he did were able to be celebrated."
Also, just a reminder that we have Airbands rehearsal in the auditorium tomorrow after 4th period. Anyone who is committed to participating in our Airbands performance should be there (unless you have a legitimate excuse). Also, we will most likely have another practice on Saturday in Mr. O'Donnell's room from 11:00am-12:30pm.
Good luck on the quiz tomorrow and I'll see you all at rehearsal! :)
Section 20 (lines 252-260)
"Nor is there anyone so opposed to the Muses who would not allow the public announcement of his labors to be entrusted to poetry easily. They say that Themistocles, the the greatest man of Athens, when he was asked which entertainment form he took the greatest delight in hearing: his voice from whom his virtue is declared the best. That Marius, likewise, he cherished L. Plotinus, by whose talent he used to think those things which he did were able to be celebrated."
Also, just a reminder that we have Airbands rehearsal in the auditorium tomorrow after 4th period. Anyone who is committed to participating in our Airbands performance should be there (unless you have a legitimate excuse). Also, we will most likely have another practice on Saturday in Mr. O'Donnell's room from 11:00am-12:30pm.
Good luck on the quiz tomorrow and I'll see you all at rehearsal! :)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Cicero Journal
Essay Question (from Part 5 of Pro Archia):
For Cicero, proving the citizenship of Archias was mare than citing documents. Using Latin (with English translation/paraphrase) to support your answer, write an essay describing how, in this section, Cicero emphasizes the connection of the poet to Italy and Rome. How well did he fit in? What factors affected his status in the cultural and social life of the city? Provide specific examples. Include at least one figure of speech in your essay and discuss how it enhances the passage.
For Cicero, proving the citizenship of Archias was mare than citing documents. Using Latin (with English translation/paraphrase) to support your answer, write an essay describing how, in this section, Cicero emphasizes the connection of the poet to Italy and Rome. How well did he fit in? What factors affected his status in the cultural and social life of the city? Provide specific examples. Include at least one figure of speech in your essay and discuss how it enhances the passage.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Quiz 02/29...Pro Archia: 175-183
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Cicero Quiz: Friday 2/22/08
quiz lines 90-95 ---Pro Archia
I can't do the amazing job that Mia does when it comes to quiz line translations, but I can post what I write down during class. Hope this helps!
"If there is nothing else to speak of about the rights of citizenship and the law, I need not say anymore: the case has been plead. For which all of these statements, oh Gratius, can be denied? You knew that he was enrolled as a citizen of Heraclea? There is a man present of the highest authority, devotion and trust, M. Lucullus, who says that he not only thinks but knows, not only heard but he saw, and he was not only present but he did it."
Remember the tri-colon crescens at the end of this translation and also keep in mind that there will be "surprise lines" on our quiz tomorrow!
Good luck everyone! :)
I can't do the amazing job that Mia does when it comes to quiz line translations, but I can post what I write down during class. Hope this helps!
"If there is nothing else to speak of about the rights of citizenship and the law, I need not say anymore: the case has been plead. For which all of these statements, oh Gratius, can be denied? You knew that he was enrolled as a citizen of Heraclea? There is a man present of the highest authority, devotion and trust, M. Lucullus, who says that he not only thinks but knows, not only heard but he saw, and he was not only present but he did it."
Remember the tri-colon crescens at the end of this translation and also keep in mind that there will be "surprise lines" on our quiz tomorrow!
Good luck everyone! :)
Cicero Journal due Monday Feb. 25th
To defend Archias successfully, Cicero decided upon a less customary courtroom procedure. In a well-written essay (or at least a paragraph or so), describe his new approach and include how Cicero approaches the jury, requests the exception he wants, and defends his request. What Ciceronian elements (e.g., rhetorical devices, word placement) are evident and how do they help his case? Be sure to include Latin (translated or paraphrased into English) that supports your ideas.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Quote Time!
Alright Royals,
I think it's finally time to make a Davey Quote Section of this fab blog. So here it is. If you have any quotes from class (or outside of class -- Scandal!), post them here for the rest of us young people to enjoy. Wonderful!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Cicero Journal: Week 2
Here's the 2nd Cicero Journal question... oh boy!
"Divitias alii praeponunt, bonam alii valetudinem, alii potentiam, alii honores, multi etiam voluptates. Beluarum hoc quidem extremum, illa autem superiora caduca et incerta, posita non tam in consiliis nostris quam in fortunae temeritate. Qui autem in virtute summum bonum ponunt, praeclare illi quidem, sed haec ipsa virtus amicitiam et gignit et continet nec sine virtute amicitia esse ullo pacto potest."
"Laelius. Ego vos hortari tantum possum ut amicitiam omnibus rebus humanis anteponatis; nihil est enim tam naturae aptum, tam conveniens ad res vel secundas vel adversas."
Your task:
In the passages above, Laelius offers several options concerning the possessions which some people value in life. Identify these possessions, tell why he rejects them, and discuss the choice and reasons for the choice that Laelius makes.
Cite the Latin words from throughout the passage that support the assertions in your essay. Translate or paraphrase the Latin words you cite. It is your responsibility to make it clear that what is written is based on your knowledge of the Latin text and not merely on a general recollection of the passage.
Have fun everyone! :)
"Divitias alii praeponunt, bonam alii valetudinem, alii potentiam, alii honores, multi etiam voluptates. Beluarum hoc quidem extremum, illa autem superiora caduca et incerta, posita non tam in consiliis nostris quam in fortunae temeritate. Qui autem in virtute summum bonum ponunt, praeclare illi quidem, sed haec ipsa virtus amicitiam et gignit et continet nec sine virtute amicitia esse ullo pacto potest."
"Laelius. Ego vos hortari tantum possum ut amicitiam omnibus rebus humanis anteponatis; nihil est enim tam naturae aptum, tam conveniens ad res vel secundas vel adversas."
Your task:
In the passages above, Laelius offers several options concerning the possessions which some people value in life. Identify these possessions, tell why he rejects them, and discuss the choice and reasons for the choice that Laelius makes.
Cite the Latin words from throughout the passage that support the assertions in your essay. Translate or paraphrase the Latin words you cite. It is your responsibility to make it clear that what is written is based on your knowledge of the Latin text and not merely on a general recollection of the passage.
Have fun everyone! :)
Friday, February 8, 2008
More Quiz Help!
I did this last year a lot before quizzes and it really helped. Hope this helps you too...it takes me a loooong time to do things like this!

As you can hopefully see, the case of each word is listed directly above each word in red, and the translation of each word is in blue. I probably made some mistakes...you'll figure it out. I also fixed our in-class translation a little bit based on the side notes. Yeah that's about it.
Good Night (finally).

As you can hopefully see, the case of each word is listed directly above each word in red, and the translation of each word is in blue. I probably made some mistakes...you'll figure it out. I also fixed our in-class translation a little bit based on the side notes. Yeah that's about it.
Good Night (finally).
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Cicero Quiz: Friday 2/8/08
pg. 55 lines 38-45
Here is a literal translation which we did in class. Be advised: this translation might not be perfect. Take the time to look through your Cicero book and try to come up with your own translation as well. You can never read too much Latin!
line 38.[103] Equidem ex omnibus rebus quas mihi aut fortuna aut natura tribuit, nihil habeo quod cum amicitia Scipionis possim comparare. In hac mihi de re publica consensus, in hac rerum privatarum consilium, in eadem requies plena oblectationis fuit. Numquam illum ne minima quidem re offendi, quod quidem senserim, nihil audivi ex eo ipse quod nollem;
"Indeed from all things which fortune and nature have given to me I have nothing to which I am able to compare my friendship with Scipio. In this (friendship) with me there was an agreement in the advice given about the public and private matters, and in that same friendship there was an agreemnt of pleasure and enjoyment. I never offended him as far as I knew, not even in the smallest of ways, not did I ever hear from him what I myself would not want;"
Good luck to everyone on our quiz tomorrow! :)
Here is a literal translation which we did in class. Be advised: this translation might not be perfect. Take the time to look through your Cicero book and try to come up with your own translation as well. You can never read too much Latin!
line 38.[103] Equidem ex omnibus rebus quas mihi aut fortuna aut natura tribuit, nihil habeo quod cum amicitia Scipionis possim comparare. In hac mihi de re publica consensus, in hac rerum privatarum consilium, in eadem requies plena oblectationis fuit. Numquam illum ne minima quidem re offendi, quod quidem senserim, nihil audivi ex eo ipse quod nollem;
"Indeed from all things which fortune and nature have given to me I have nothing to which I am able to compare my friendship with Scipio. In this (friendship) with me there was an agreement in the advice given about the public and private matters, and in that same friendship there was an agreemnt of pleasure and enjoyment. I never offended him as far as I knew, not even in the smallest of ways, not did I ever hear from him what I myself would not want;"
Good luck to everyone on our quiz tomorrow! :)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Cicero Journal: Week 1
First Journal of the year! Here we go...
This week, we are supposed to read parts I - IV of de Amiticia (you know, on the website where we start on part 5 that has Laelius' name?...start at the beginning-ish). Then comment on two uberly cool things from you reading (that stood out to you).
So the way you post on this blog is super easy:
1) register yourself as a blogger!
2) "Comment" on this post...write your journal!
Well I hope everything works out. Cya 2morrow!
This week, we are supposed to read parts I - IV of de Amiticia (you know, on the website where we start on part 5 that has Laelius' name?...start at the beginning-ish). Then comment on two uberly cool things from you reading (that stood out to you).
So the way you post on this blog is super easy:
1) register yourself as a blogger!
2) "Comment" on this post...write your journal!
Well I hope everything works out. Cya 2morrow!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Cicero Begins!!!
Welcome to Second Semester my fellow Latin enthusiasts!
Thought I (Mia) might as well write a little welcome message to all the newbies. As you might notice, all of our Aeneid stuff (that we worked so hard on last year) is still around - feel free to explore past Vergil Journals, translations, and what not if you want to find out what this site is all about!
In regard to the "Cicero/Catullus Journals", I think a similar process that we used last year will be most effective. Basically, one of the site adminstrators will post the journal question, and then everyone in the classes can post their Journal entry via the "comment" button (before Friday, or whenever Mr. O says it will be due). Then we will all be able to learn from each other's wonderful insights, which is truly priceless :).
And the other big question: quiz translations! The admins will try their very best to have the quiz lines translated by a decent hour on every Thursday night - it's good for us AND you! An occasional "Thanks for spending your spare time posting quiz translations" is also much appreciated.
Feel free to contact any admin with questions or comments - we want to make this site as helpful, entertaining, and worthwhile as possible.
Anyhow, cheers to the world of advanced Latin. Hope everyone has a great semester!
Mia (period 2)
P.S.: It would be really cool to have admins from Period 1...let me know!
Thought I (Mia) might as well write a little welcome message to all the newbies. As you might notice, all of our Aeneid stuff (that we worked so hard on last year) is still around - feel free to explore past Vergil Journals, translations, and what not if you want to find out what this site is all about!
In regard to the "Cicero/Catullus Journals", I think a similar process that we used last year will be most effective. Basically, one of the site adminstrators will post the journal question, and then everyone in the classes can post their Journal entry via the "comment" button (before Friday, or whenever Mr. O says it will be due). Then we will all be able to learn from each other's wonderful insights, which is truly priceless :).
And the other big question: quiz translations! The admins will try their very best to have the quiz lines translated by a decent hour on every Thursday night - it's good for us AND you! An occasional "Thanks for spending your spare time posting quiz translations" is also much appreciated.
Feel free to contact any admin with questions or comments - we want to make this site as helpful, entertaining, and worthwhile as possible.
Anyhow, cheers to the world of advanced Latin. Hope everyone has a great semester!
Mia (period 2)
P.S.: It would be really cool to have admins from Period 1...let me know!
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