So basically, here is a literal translation (plus other things) for our Friday (Feb 23) QUIZ!
25 We (Aeneas and his men...Aeneas is still talking) thought they (the Greeks) had departed and went to Mycenas (Greece) by the wind.
26 Therefore, all of Teucria (Troy) loosened itself from its long grief;
27 the gates had been loosened (aka opened), and it is pleasant to go out and to see the Greek camp,
28 the deserted place, and the abandoned shore:
29 here was the hand of the Dolopes (the Greeks), here fierce Achilles was holding;
30 here was the place for the fleet, here they were accustomed to fight in a battle line (an army).
31 Part stood agape at the deadly gift of virgin (unwedded) Minerva
32 and they are amazed by the size of the horse; first Thyometes
33 urges that (the Trojan horse) be lead inside the walls and that it be placed on the citadel,
34 whether by a trick or whether the fates of Troy were heading.
Notes on some of the lines:
25: objects of rati = abiisse and petiisse; Mycenae = direct object of petisse; nos = subject, referring to Aeneas and his men
26: omnis goes w/ Teucria (Troy), meaning all of Troy; longo describes luctu; se = object of soluit, omnis = subject
27: portae = subject of panduntur (nom); iuvat = it is pleasant, takes objects ire and videre; videre takes 3 objects- castra, locos, litus(que); NOTE the use of the tricolon (hic, hic, hic)
28: desertos(que) describes the locos, relictum describes the litus(que)
29: the Dolopes refer to the Greeks of Thessaley; add an est in with every hic clause to make things make more sense; Achilles = subject of tenebat
30: classibus = dative; acies = ablative (despite translation); solebant's object is certare
31: pars = subject of stupet (nom); stupet's object is donum (exitiale describes the donum); innuptae modifies Minervae, both are genitive
32: subject of mirantur is the understood Greeks; the equi refers to the Trojan horse; Thyometes = subject of hortatur
33: muros = acc.; arce = ablative; hortatur takes 2 objects: locari, duci
34: dolo = abl.; Troiae = gen; fata = subject of ferebant
Made by Mia with much input from Karen :D
Good luck on the quiz!
Oh, and for Dr. O (and Tyler too)...AENEAS WILLIAMS!!!

actually the thing I posted was just copying and pasting it off the loeb site you found, I think I read it once... If I had any idea you posted that I might have passed the quiz...
btw if you do this every week I'll love your site forever. mine still has better communication, yours is better for this kind of stuff.
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