Friday, March 9, 2007

Quiz Book IV: Lines 24-30, 331-332

Well, this is not the usual "Mia Pro Translation" so just bear with me... I tried. Also, sorry this is up so late/early!

24 sed mihi vel tellus optem prius ima dehiscat

25 vel pater omnipotens adigat me fulmine ad umbras
26 pallentis umbras Erebo noctemque profundam
27 ante pudor quam te violo aut tua iura resoluo
28 ille meos primus qui me sibi iunxit amores
29 abstulit ille habeat secum seruetque sepulcro
30 sic effata sinum lacrimis impleuit obortis

331 dixerat ille Iouis monitis immota tenebat
332 lumina et obnixus curam sub corde pre

24 "But I would wish first that either the lowest (depths of the) earth should yawn/open up for me,
25 or the almighty father (Jupiter) might blast me with a thunderbolt to the underworld/hell-
26 the pale ghosts/shades and dark/profound/deep night in Erebus-
27 before, Shame/Modesty, I violate you or break your laws.
28 That man(Sycchaeus) who first joined me to himself took away my loves;
29 may he keep/have them(my loves) with him, and guard them in the grave."
30 Having spoke, she(Dido) filled her bosom/breast with upwelling tears

331 She(Dido) had said (aka She stopped). He(Aeneas) by the command of Jupiter was holding his eyes unwavering
332 and having struggled he was (re)pressing/crushing the care/pain in his heart.


24 vel... vel = either...or; tellus ima= nom sub. of dehiscat, "lowest (understood -> depths of the) earth"; optem= subjuntive "I would choose"; dehiscat = subjunctive "might yawn open", substantive clause (used to express wish) of optem, mihi=dative

25 pater omnipotens = nom "almighty father" (aka Jupiter); adigat=subjunctive "might drive", subst of optem; me= direct obj. of adigat; flumine=abl; umbras=acc; namely the underworld

26 Erebo=abl "in Erebus (underworld)"; pallentes modifies umbras=acc; profundam modifies noctem=acc

27 pudor=vocative; te=object of violo; (tua) iura=object of resoluo

28 Ille=nom "that man/he" (Sycchaeus, her dead husband); qui=nom sub. of iunxit; me=acc obj. of iunxit, sibi=dative "to himself"; (meos) amores = acc object of abstulit (line 29)

29 habeat= subjuntive "may he have/keep (them->understood meos amores)"; servet(que)= subjuntive "and may he guard (them->understood meos amores)"; sepulcro=abl

30 effata= perfect participle "having spoken"; sinum= acc obj of implevit "bosom"; lacrima=abl; implevit's understood subject=Dido; obortis describes the lacrima "welling up"; as described in class the "filling of her breast with tears" can be either figurative or literal. Dido may be figuratively welling up with emotion, or literally crying so that her tears drip down.

331 dixerat= pluperfect, subj ->Understood Dido, can be thought of "she had said" like "she had finished (saying)" or "she ceased"; Ille= nom understood Aeneas, subj of tenebat; Iovis=gen; tenebat takes the abl monitis "by the command", immota modifies the lumina (line 332); (immota) lumina = acc, aka "unwavering eyes", basically saying Aeneas was not expressing any emotion and holding her gaze(?).

332 obnixus= nom perfect passive participle "having struggled", curam=acc obj of premebat, corte= abl, sub corte --> under his heart/soul, deep within his heart/soul

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